Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Monday 22nd July 2019

With the Sun in the final degree of Cancer angling towards the Moon in the last degrees of Pisces we may sense it is time to bring something to an end.

There may not be any sense of strain around this, as it can seem like the natural thing to do in the circumstances. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 22nd July 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 22nd July 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You are moving out of a more private phase, and energy levels may increase as the week gathers pace. A developing link between feisty Mars and jovial Jupiter, can see you eager to explore exciting new options. If a home or family issue should come to a head over the next day or so, it may be just as well to resolve this now, as more sparkling options could quickly divert attention. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

There could be something very compelling about the coming weeks. You seem to be on the verge of an exciting adventure that could get more and more involved the more you commit to it. It could draw you into activities that can change and transform your life, and that might open new doors for you. Still, it can help to be mindful of each step and to let your instincts lead the way.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may wonder if an idea of yours has potential, or if you are taking on more than you can handle. The only way to find out Gemini, may be to make a start and see how you get on. Tackling it step-by-step can see you developing self-assurance, even if the results take longer than expected to show up for you. Tidying up financial matters can also be a wise move.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may begin to feel more confident about your money-making abilities, and this can be down to a dynamic aspect that coincides with a bright idea. Over coming days, you could find yourself becoming more enthusiastic about it, and perhaps willing to take that bold step, even if you have been anxious about doing so in the past. Research it all first Cancer, and you can do very well.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With the Sun poised to enter your sign, it would be no surprise if you felt restless. A sense that you are on the verge of a new phase can be exciting Leo, and soon you'll be ready to hit the road running. However, if there is something on your mind, it is just as well to sort it out now so that you don't have anything holding you back once you leave the starting block and surge ahead.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

A childhood dream may be about to be realized, and could lead you on an exciting journey of discovery Virgo. With a sterling aspect linked to your home zone, you may find it a delight to dig into your store of memories and connect with activities that you once enjoyed. Tapping into these could bring great pleasure, and might help take your mind off more pressing issues.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Conversations with friends can see you summoning up the determination to have a go at a personal goal. Fiery Mars in your sector of long-held wishes, may be spurring you on to make a dream come true, and a fresh determination can assert itself. This plan may be linked to your heart's desire, so the more effort you put in the more likely it is to lead to future opportunities.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Feeling a push to get ahead? If doing so would be a positive move, then an idea or opportunity could call out to you Scorpio. And it may hold such promise that you are ready to give it your complete focus. It might even dominate your life over coming weeks, but in a way that adds fuel to your fire and enhances enthusiasm. This is not a time to hold back, but to get ready to shine.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A gradual shift in focus can enhance the desire to reach for the skies, and embrace opportunities that can open new vistas for you. Today though, it is possible you'll feel a pull to complete something that may be hanging over you. It could be linked to a financial or business matter, or perhaps to a promise you have made. Whatever it is, your horoscope suggests that getting it out of the way will be a relief.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Venus's presence in your sector of relating suggests you keep talking, even if you haven't quite resolved a key issue. You may not agree on the outcome you want, but avoiding each other won't help. If you can put yourself in their shoes, you may begin to see where they're coming from and this can make discussions more productive. A solution that works for all may yet be possible.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Keen to showcase an idea? If it will benefit others, then go ahead. But before you make a start, be sure that you aren't running late with anything else. With Mercury still in its retro phase, this is not a good time to begin something if you still have a lot on your plate. Assess your priorities and this can make it easier to zip through your to-do list, leaving you with a clean slate Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Need to get up to speed with your exercise routine or with a new habit? You may have more time to spare than you think, especially if you can cut out activities that aren't contributing anything. It's a good time to get a move on, especially if you are excited about the possibilities ahead of you. Start slow, and soon the momentum will pick up. Before you know it, you'll be up to speed.