Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Monday 17th July 2023

Today's New Moon in Cancer aligns with maverick Uranus, so it's a good day to start any domestic or property related projects.

We may get some unexpected help with our plans or a stroke of good fortune out of the blue. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 17th July 2023 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 17th July 2023

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Cosmic forces can generate a lot of emotion over the next day or so, which may be something to be aware of. With a New Moon in your home zone linking to freedom-loving Uranus, you might rebel against responsibilities and tasks and feel a need to step back and do something that benefits you for a change. Perhaps arranging more free time for yourself could be a start, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

This can be a day of new beginnings. With a powerful lunar phase occurring in your sector of talk and thought it's time to get moving on your brightest plans, especially if they involve learning, writing, social media or negotiation. But you can also use this opportunity to reconnect with someone you haven't heard from in a while, and good things could result from this, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may have more power to influence your financial situation than it seems. And from today, the idea of taking back control could seem to sink in so that you don't feel so vulnerable, and are eager to step forward and do what you can to improve matters. Meanwhile, Mercury in Leo is working to reveal your natural savvy. People know you're clever, but now you'll prove it.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With a New Moon in your sign forging a tie to Uranus, an encounter could have a fated quality. This lunar link brings out your sociable side, and can inspire you to mingle with others who share your interests. This is also the best time to get started on a plan that is dear to your heart. And if you do want to drop bad habits and initiate better ones, make a start this very day, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you've been busy adjusting your outer circumstances so that your life works better, then today's New Moon can encourage a shift in perspective. It may be time to look to your deepest thoughts and feelings about key issues. Changing these so that they align to the positive could have a profound effect. Things that seemed out of your reach might soon become more available.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Need some motivation? A friendly chat could do the trick and enable you to make the most of the day. Plus, with a New Moon in your social sector, this is one of the better times to join up with kindred spirits and others who share your interests. But with Venus preparing to rewind in a private zone, your horoscope suggests you may want to keep a relationship under wraps until you're ready to discuss it.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Are you taking your ambitions seriously? You may get a nudge in a direction that greatly appeals, but that you have perhaps been unwilling to attempt. Something can shift today that enables you to embrace this path with greater confidence. It could be a compliment, an insight or someone inspiring you to go for it. Whatever it is, it might be just the catalyst you need to get a move on.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Ready for something different? The New Moon in your exploration zone is a call to move beyond your limits and do something you've been putting off, because it seemed too hard. Give yourself a quick motivating pep-talk and dive in. Before you know it, you'll be well on your way and might wonder why it took you so long. It's time to showcase your best qualities too, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Tempting though it can be to invest in things you want, it might be wiser to give yourself some leeway over the coming days. You may need to pay bills or other expenses you hadn't expected, and this could dig into your funds. Even so, today's lunar phase can be an opportunity to consider a reshuffle that allows your money to work harder for you over the long-term, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Cancer New Moon brings the chance of a fresh start in a key relationship. Whether you've had a falling out or just want a reset, this lunar phase can assist in getting things off to the best possible start. Even so, with Mars moving to oppose Saturn your guide planet, it may be very hard to reach an agreement about something important. Next week it will be so much easier.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you're ready to give your schedule a makeover, now is the time. A few tweaks here and there or even some major reordering, could get you closer to living your ideal day. Even if you're a long way from this, you can start now by introducing ideas that will help you get there. In addition, Mercury in Leo is great for adding warmth and passion to a developing romance.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Today's New Moon can kickstart a chain of events that encourages you to express yourself in the most creative and authentic way possible. You may be drawn to develop new skills or hone your existing talents, and with time you could become very good. Don't shy away from opportunities to showcase your work Pisces, or to let your creative side shine out, as others will be impressed.

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