Horoscopes Friday 22nd July 2022

The Sun moves into charismatic Leo for a stay of four weeks, enhancing vitality and encouraging our creative and romantic sides to emerge.

It's a good time to promote our skills and talents. If we're looking for love we should dress for success. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 22nd July 2022 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 22nd July 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As the Sun glides into charismatic Leo, you'll be creative, spontaneous and ready to take a few risks. After a time of taking a step back from life, you'll want to be more fully engaged. You'll take more pride in your creations, and if you do have artistic talent or other skills, this is a good time to improve on them as well as promote yourself. Romance could sizzle with promise too.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Ready for a respite, Taurus? The Sun's move into your family zone for four weeks, can be a call to attend to more homely matters, and to enjoy some self-care. Although you may have a few exciting projects on the go, it's worth taking time out to prepare home cooked meals, get more sleep and to nurture yourself ready for a new and more dynamic phase in a few weeks.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

What you say can have more importance over coming weeks, as your sector of communication benefits from the presence of the Sun and its illuminating rays. This is one of the best times to promote your ideas and get your message out to the world. Mind, a lively Moon/Uranus link may bring inspiration via a dream or your sixth sense, and this could assist in making wise decisions.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The Sun leaves your sign and moves into your money zone, shining a light on your current financial situation. What needs attending to most? It's worth taking some time to get your bearings if you want to enhance security. Have any clutter to get rid of? If you can sell some of it, any extra cash will add up, leaving you with more leeway for bills or even a few treats.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You'll shine like the Sun from today, as this radiant orb glides into your sign for a four week stay, Leo. You'll be at your charismatic best, and ready to project your vibrant personality out into the world. This phase is very much about spontaneity. You are ready to put the past behind you and start a new personal cycle. There's nothing wrong with thinking of yourself for a change either.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Are attachments to people, places or things holding you back or draining your energy, Virgo? If so, the coming four weeks bring a chance to sort things out. The Sun in a private zone, is a call to find closure on situations that are no longer working for you. This is a chance to tie up loose ends and to relax, recharge and reflect on your future and the dreams you want to make a reality.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The Sun in your friendship zone from today highlights your social life, group affiliations and networking. You'll enjoy making new connections, attending events and perhaps organizing a few of your own, Libra. Linking up with others who share your interests, will put you in touch with people you can relate to. And if you're looking for more romance, this could be a peak time.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As the Sun enters your sector of ambition from today, your attention may be drawn to your reputation and standing in the world. Whatever you're doing, you'll want to shine and be seen in the best light. This is a great opportunity to promote yourself, and let others know about your speciality, skills and talents. Your horoscope reveals that if you're looking for a new job, promotion or clients, it's essential.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You'll begin to feel more at ease over coming weeks, as the Sun moves out of an intense zone and into your sector of far horizons and new opportunities. This fiery surge compliments Jupiter's presence in Aries, and their combined influence can see you a lot more active, ready to travel near and far, and keen to expand your reach. This more energetic phase suits you, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It may seem that situations around you are becoming more intense, but this could be because you are focused on your feelings and on finding solutions to financial, business or relationship issues. The coming weeks can illuminate those situations that need attention. Even so, you'll find that giving your creative side free reign might highlight novel solutions, and reveal a way out.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

From today, the Sun moves into your relationship zone for a four week stay, bringing opportunities to rethink your priorities in this area. It's a chance to air an issue that may have been pushed under the carpet. At the same time, the Moon's link to Uranus might find you in the mood to make some small but revolutionary domestic changes, that could enhance wellbeing.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

All things related to wellness, routines, work and lifestyle, could rise to the top of your agenda over the coming four weeks. It's time to get organized, so that you can focus on those goals that are most important to you. Getting up to speed with your time-management skills may be one way to be more productive Pisces, along with cutting out any activities that serve no useful purpose.

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