Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

2018 Love Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

When it comes to the game of love, confidence is one of the most attractive of all features. And if you really put your mind to it, you can have oodles of the stuff this year. Why? Well, the planet of power Pluto is joined by the planet of structure Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, and when it comes to taking the lead in an existing tie or showing more self belief in a potential one, this is your chance to really strut your stuff assertively.


Of course not everything will go exactly to plan, that’s just life and love, and indeed April may turn out to be a month when a partner or someone you’re drawn to could resent your desire to take the leading role. But with your ruling planet Mars combining with the planet of fortune Jupiter as 2018 begins, and Jupiter staying with you until early November, when it comes to neat passion and desire you won’t be lacking. Also, Uranus potentially, can bring you some more inventive ways of creating greater intimacy between you and yours from mid-May, or ways to generate imaginative approaches to shared finances. This is also a year when the Eclipses are going to be really important, and don’t underestimate the role a friend could play in your romantic journey. One could be a great sounding board, but equally it can be on a much more intimate basis, and especially from the Partial Solar Eclipse which occurs on 11th of August, which links with the planet of love Venus, in your sector of relating, and means the last five months of the year could be truly life changing.


Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The truly exciting thing about 2018 is that you’re set to go through a phase of liberation. This may seem like a strange thing to say if you’re in a basically sound tie, but even if you are, it’s probably going to need to be reinvigorated as you’re set to be much more inquisitive, and even more restless to bring a greater sense of meaning to your everyday existence. Of course, one of the biggest parts of this is the way we interact with the person we are most closely involved with or if you’re single, who you’d like to meet. The planets are really asking you to confront the truth of your situation. If something isn’t really feeding and enriching you in the way that you yearn for, some kind of change is going to be needed. Usually change is an anathema to you, as you have such a strong appreciation of stability and security. But if one situation has become something of a prison you may feel the need to act. Some intense thinking or conversations can happen in April, but it’s going to be from the middle of May through to the early part of November that’s truly going to push you further than you’ve known before into a new and brighter future. Why? Well, Uranus, the planet of independence, returns to your sign, and is going to give you a very deep desire to bring that spark and stimulation back into your love life. You can reinvent an existing tie, especially if your partner wants this too. However, if you’re single, do not discount anyone who is different. Indeed, September, October and December can be enormously romantic and potentially very fortunate.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Partial Solar Eclipse of the 15th of February is particularly significant, as it sees the Sun and the Moon bonding with your ruling planet Mercury, and the next six months can be fantastic for you to revitalise your whole approach to romance. You tend not to have a very high attention span Gemini, and this influence is going to underline this and give you an even greater desire to travel, embrace new cultures, enjoy the arts and meet or spend time with anyone who has a much more adventurous vibe. Even if you’re someone who tends to be more of a home lover, stepping out into this new brave vista can send a shiver of excitement down your spine. Yet despite this, 2018 is also going to have a great deal of influences around your sector of commitment, and it’s possible that you could find yourself bonding with someone new and very sincere, taking an existing relationship to the next level or if you’re in an unfulfilling situation, looking to break free and create more liberation. And the great thing that you’re going to have in your locker this year, is that you’re going to be prepared to work very hard at whatever you decide to do. Equally, with Jupiter the planet of fortune, moving into your sector of relationships on the 9th of November, some truly happy news can bring the curtain down on what will be a fascinating year for you. But the thing that you’re really going to appreciate much more this year is the depth of a truly close and intimate involvement, over being such a free spirit Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Without exaggeration, this is set to be the most important year for your relationships in a very long time. A unique collection of planetary energy creates a skyscape of opportunity, but also is going to press you to become much more aware of how you interact with others and what you need from them, but equally, what others need from you. Whatever your relationship status, some change is almost inevitable. Why? Well, the planet of transformation Pluto has been in this sector of your Solar ‘scope since 2008, but is now joined by Saturn, the planet of structure, but also restriction. This could mean that you’re going to become much more conscious of who you find difficult to get along with. But equally, Saturn presents us with the chance to persevere, to try harder and gain through the challenges it creates. Mind, there is so much else going on this year Cancer that is really quite spectacular for you. Not least with Jupiter, the planet of plenty, in your sector of romance, for over ten months of 2018, which is joined by the planet of desire Mars early on, and by the planet of sultry enchantment Venus, in September, October and December. All these influences are pushing you to have self-confidence in the way you come across, dress and attract people to you. But with Uranus moving into a more helter-skelter position in mid-May, your social interaction can sparkle, and the best way to approach things is by being completely open-minded about the type of person you can get along with. Such openness will take you far.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You can be one of the most charismatic members of the zodiac Leo, and this year’s lunations are definitely going to give you a chance to prove it. Of course, no person is an island and your romantic prospects are going to come about best of all for you where you can enter into a real spirit of give-and-take and mutual cooperation. Just try to stay mindful of this all through the year. If you’re in a committed relationship, a fairer share of domestic chores might not sound like a particularly sexy concept, but it’s one which could keep a degree of romantic harmony intact. Then again, if you’re working flat-out, look to create the time with a partner to ensure that the spark between you stays kindled. You also may find yourself in a more homey frame of mind at times, which is not to say that you have to have dinner by candlelight seven days a week, but if you can create those special moments of magic or little thoughtful gestures, it can all help to keep the flame burning. April could be a time when work pressures and even your energy, could be a little bit compromised. Mind, your listening skills are really going to be important in the first half of this year too, and then it’s going to be your conversational talent which will see you sparkle in the second half of 2018. If you’re solo, someone you meet through your family, your locality, a small business or a mutual contact can all prove fortunate. This is also a year when you can show a much more sensitive side of your nature, and it can bring more warmth into a close tie.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your zodiac sign Virgo, is based on the concept of purity, but this is a year when you’re really being asked to put the needs of others a little more to one side, and to focus on a divine opportunity to show that you can be passionate, charming, chatty and great fun to be with. In fact, your personality-power is going to be higher this year than for many a Moon. But what this also does is up the ante when it comes to your romantic prospects, because if you really take this and yourself seriously, you can shoot for the stars. But it does mean you may have to work hard on any part of yourself where you feel you are less deserving of true romantic fulfilment. And in an ongoing relationship, with Saturn influential, you may find that there could be some areas that you need to work a little harder on. But with Jupiter sparkling magnificently in your sector of communication for much of the year, your enthusiasm can be a great asset when it comes to discussing any little snags and improving things between you and yours. From mid-May, you can also be more experimental in your approach, this just means it’s going to give you the push to go outside of your comfort zone, be a bit more daring and to embrace the person and the love life you really need. Also make sure that you get plenty of rest this year. Equally, avoid being too self-sacrificing to the point that a partner may take you for granted. If you are single, don’t be surprised if someone who rather creeps up on your senses, ends up being so much more important.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

We’d all like to have a partner who is tremendously sensitive to our needs and focused on nurturing us wherever possible. Of course being an air sign, you might also need some space, and definitely some intellectual stimulation and debating can actually add to your senses and sexual attraction, rather than diminish it. You may be surprised about where you are at the start of this year Libra, and any small gesture of kindness can just seem to really reassure you, and help to strike just the right tone of what you need. But by mid-January, things are changing and you’re going to be much more outgoing, and the bubbly side of your nature can see you emerge from any wintry seclusion you may have needed, and into a much more playful mode. Whether hitched or single – getting together in more social situations will definitely give you a spark. This is going to be true on the back of both the Total Lunar Eclipse of late January, and the Partial Solar Eclipse of mid-February. The second of these is really going to give you a fab opportunity to flirt, to interact and to be generally romantically playful for the next six months. There may be some more difficult or tricky family pressures in April, but by mid-May you can find yourself yearning for the type of relationship which surprises you, challenges you and in some ways, changes you all at once. August’s Eclipse, can really hit the mark for you, forging as it does a link with your ruler Venus, and the last quarter of 2018 can be supremely playful, but also sultry.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With your ruler Mars collaborating with the planet of fortune Jupiter as 2018 dawns, and the latter staying with you until 8th November, as well as Venus, the planet of love and attraction, travelling through your sign in September, October and December, this truly can be a pivotal year romantically. With a collection of energy in your 3rd Solar House, including your modern ruler Pluto, how you think, speak and even interact in love is going to be subject to some powerful changes, but it can be for the best. Sometimes without even realising it, we can become ingrained in set patterns and attitudes, but the planets are asking you to push outside of this to be more dynamic. This may mean that there can be some big shifts, but the shifts can be entirely good for you if it helps you to get the kind of love relationship that you need for the person you are now, not how you used to be many Moons ago. So, conditioning that was put into you at a very young age is probably ripe for an upgrade. You can also radically change the way you look, and this could see you strutting your stuff in a much more confident and self assured way, and with a much more modern take on your personal presentation. An introduction through a sibling or someone in your locality is also possible, and technology can have a role to play too. There may be some stops and starts, but once Uranus moves into your opposite sign in mid-May, life really is never going to be the same again. Enjoy the journey, for it’s set to be absolutely thrilling.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The most exciting thing about this year for you is that it is unlikely to turn out exactly as you imagine. Now, in some ways this may sound a little daunting, but I actually think you’ll really like how things unfold. Why? Well, you’re someone who has a massive appetite for adventure, and for new experiences, and if life was entirely predictable, it would become a little bit tame for you and for your love life too. So how will this play out? Well perhaps through some of the interests that you develop this year which can be much more philosophical, spiritual and in some ways, reflective. This could see you becoming avidly interested in history, architecture, retreats, study groups, natural medicine and so on. And these can be the conduit through which someone new can emerge into the glorious sunshine of your warm embrace. But equally, whoever you are attracted to, you can find yourself yearning for rather more of a foundation to your world, for a solid basis from which to work from. You can be busy working on yourself around your own self value as part of this process. There are still going to be opportunities for you to flourish in your charismatic way, and particularly from the Partial Solar Eclipse of 11th August, which could see you becoming much more appreciative of someone you meet through a group situation, or even an existing friend. With Venus backtracking in the last four months of the year, if you’re solo, someone from your past could yet make a powerful reappearance as 2018 winds down.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Saturn returned to your zodiac sign late in 2018. What makes this a bit different for you is that Saturn is your ruler, so the basic attributes of this planet are ones you’ll be familiar with. Saturn instils discipline, structure, application and hard work in our approach, and these are going to be very useful characteristics in the way you approach romance this year. You may expect to be less self assured or rather more cautious, and whilst this is possible, because these are strands that you are already used to, you can actually turn this year into a real victory. Gorgeous Venus combines with the Sun in Capricorn as the year begins, and with a beautiful amount of energy in the most social part of your situation, as long as you feel involved, right at the heart of things, literally, then things can move in a positive direction. However, it’s possible that if a relationship is not feeding all of your needs and you don’t see it being part of your long-term future, you may go through some serious periods of reflection, and the end of March and all of April can be like this. Delightfully mind, mid-May to November is also a great opportunity to be more liberated. Essentially, Saturn moving through your sign is asking you to prioritize. The tie that’s really worthwhile, will get deeper and more committed, but if someone is very limiting and stops you being yourself, as you see it, this could be ripe for change. Group situations and organisations can be a great way for you to meet and mingle with anyone new and exciting.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The wonderful thing you are going to have in your astral locker this year Aquarius, is the energies of Jupiter. Jupiter is all about expansion, being bold, self-confident and assured, and located as it is for over ten months in the most pronounced part of your Solar Horoscope, your aura is given an amazing boost by this. With Mars alongside Jupiter at the turn of the year, added to this can be a little bit more self-belief, so don’t underestimate the amount of attention that you can generate this year. With the partial Solar Eclipse combining with Mercury in your sign in mid-February, the pace of life is set to really pick up in the following months. And you’re going to enjoy initiating any romantic moves, but also at times be a bit more on the front foot. But there is that side of you that does like to step back and have some very quiet, peaceful moments to recharge, and these are going to be important too. Equally, your ability to work out people’s motivations, and even at times be something of a mind-reader, can be a real asset in working out who might be interested in you, or the best tactics to reach out to them. In a settled relationship, what you’re looking for above all else, is a real sense of trust. If you have, this tie can go from strength to strength, and especially if intuitively you just always know that you’re there for one another. If you’re single however, I do feel 11th of August will be critical. The Partial Solar Eclipse in your sector of relating, and its angle with Venus in your sector of expansion, points towards a lively last half of the year.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Of all the lovers in the zodiac Pisces, you are probably the most idealistic and giving, when you are really smitten. So at the very start of this year, you will experience a unique planetary interface, one that can see your hopes run particularly high. And this is a great thing to embrace. The one thing this can do is to make you circumspect about the type of person you would get involved with. Not just anyone, it has to have true meaning. But if you are in a relationship which is not quite producing what you want, all this could set up a profound sense of disappointment, and this may become something of a trap. You’re going to be greatly affected by your sixth sense this year, and it is therefore, going to be vitally important to tune into this. Listening to our inner voice is not always easy, and you may find that as Uranus passes into the most vibrant part of your situation in mid-May for six months, a mixture of this and an ability to chat away to lots of different types of people, can guide you in exactly the right direction, whether you’re solo or to make the correct moves if you are settled. What you could do is crave for new experiences, and meeting someone on a holiday is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility, or connecting with someone from a completely different culture. September, October and December can be months where you earnestly desire that truly special person. Just do not accept second best. Hold with the hope and expectation that the year 2018 begins with for you.